I get asked this question whenever I meet a new person at a networking event or church, date night with friends, etc.

Depending on my mood I will either say “real estate” (This is my shallow response just to test the temperature for how interested they really are in discussing more) or on a rare occasion, I will give them the long version when first asked and give them a 20-second spiel on the fact that I am a residential real estate investor (NOT A REALTOR…Important distinction haha) that both invests in real estate in TN & GA as well as help others looking to get into real estate investing but for a variety of reasons have not yet begun investing.
To be honest, I love the fact that regardless of how I explain what I do, it is rare that people do not want to talk more about real estate in some form or fashion.
Nothing against lawyers, contractors, dentists, consultants, teachers, (fill in the blank)…Most professions are not really conversational in nature.
Real estate however interests just about anyone…Everyone lives in a home and understands the basic concepts (i.e. they played Monopoly at least once as a kid) in other words, it is highly relatable.

With all of this said, I feel like I have failed over the last year conveying clearly what our business model is at Property Rush.
So let me tell you in the most simple terms as possible what we do and how it benefits our clients.
We are a turnkey real estate investment provider AND world-class property management company.

What is a TURNKEY?
Our definition of a turnkey investment is a property that we have purchased, renovated, inspected multiple times, then leased to a qualified tenant and ultimately sold to our investors.
Why do people use your company to buy real estate?
Make no mistake, anyone can go out and do what we do. There is no secret formula here. What you are getting when you buy one of our properties is a property that has been vetted by someone with almost 20 years of experience, contractors who have completed hundreds of projects, world class management to eliminate all of the headaches that can accompany managing tenants by yourself.
In short, you are getting the ultimate fastpass to a quality property that is cash flowing day one in areas that have a high likelihood of outperforming the national average for appreciation.
Who is on your team?
CEO: BJ Gremillion
TN & GA Licensed Broker / Insurance Broker / Marketing Director: Lori Guse
Business Operations Manager: Leslie King
Property Manager: BJ Wilkerson
Acquisitions team: Dustin Hedrick / Pete Forbis
VA Team working behind the scenes: Pye / Marie
How can people buy properties with us?
We really work hard to make the process and simple and seamless as possible. Anything less than a 5 star experience is a failure to us. We are serious about exceeding our investors expectations so you can expect great communication, a quality investment in an area that I personally would invest in (because I actually AM buying each of these properties with my own funds).
In short, you need to either have the downpayment to buy one of our homes or the cash to purchase outright. Everything else we will take care of for you.

Let me know if I did a good enough job explaining what we do.
Better yet, let’s jump on a call to discuss how you can buy one of these turnkey properties for yourself.
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