I Needed This Gut Punch…The One Thing

Stuart Denyer is the co-owner of the largest single family wholesaling company in the United States. He also happens to be a part of a mastermind group that I have been a part of now for a couple years.

He was asked to present to our group at our last quarterly meeting and Stuart said something that literally felt like a punch to the gut…

It was something I needed to hear but hated to admit.

He said…Do you know why New Western Homes has been so successful? It is because while so many of you were out chasing the new and latest THING or shiny object…We never deviated course. We kept our focus on the ONE THING and that ONE THING was perfecting the art of buying single family properties at a discount using our predetermined buy box and selling them at a premium price to our target audience.

Notice that they did not deviate into multi-family though Multifamily can be incredibly lucrative. Nor did they go into raw land or development projects. They do not try to flip homes. They did not try to become hedge funds. They know what WORKS for them and they just keep on repeating and refining the process over and over.

You see, every single time you decide to chase that squirrel…You have to realize they are shifty little creatures. This means you have to change course which causes you to lose all of the momentum you just started in one direction and right when you started to see results and pick up speed, you pivoted to chase the next great “thing” and before you realize it, you just ran in circles making little to no progress at all in a forward direction!

Investing in real estate will absolutely test your ability to focus and stay the course. There are way TOO MANY ways to make money that it can become distracting!

Youtube has only made this 10x more difficult.

Did you buy a home in the last couple of years and sell it the minute you realized you could make six figures? Say goodbye to that momentum.

Did you get a raise at work and decide to go out and buy a new boat or car instead of an income producing asset? Say goodbye to that momentum.

Did you start the year off with a perfect month at the gym only to go on vacation for a week and fall out of routine? Say hello to that brain fog and those 5 pounds you just worked so hard to get rid of.

The point is…As Denzel Washington says…”Without commitment, you’ll never start, but more importantly, without consistency, you’ll never finish.”

What is your ONE THING that you need to be CONSISTENTLY laser focused on this year? For us it is providing top notch service to our TURN KEY LONG TERM RENTAL investors and students looking to build generational wealth for their families. And like Stuart, we will not be deviating.


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