Biggest mistakes people make when investing in real estate


I love real estate investing. It’s one of the best ways to build wealth over time, and it gives you a sense of security that you can’t get from other investments. However, as with any investment, there are some common mistakes people make when buying real estate. If you avoid these pitfalls and follow my tips for smart investing in real estate, I promise that you’ll be able to enjoy this wonderful process without regrets!

Focusing on the wrong numbers

The numbers you should be focusing on are the ones that matter most to your particular situation and goals. You need to know how much money you can afford to spend each month, how much money it will take for you to achieve those goals, and what kind of return on investment (ROI) will give you an incentive to continue investing in real estate.

For example:

  • If your goal is simply to build wealth with little regard for how quickly or easily this happens, then focus more on finding properties that will pay off quickly and have low operating costs (e.g., single family homes).
  • If your goal is rapid growth with less emphasis placed on risk management and cash flow generation (which may lead to more debt), then focus more on multi-family buildings such as apartments or condos where there are more tenants paying rent every month than just one person owning their own home who only pays mortgage payments once a month – but also keep in mind that these types of investments carry higher risks too!

Not knowing exactly what you’re buying

Knowing exactly what you’re buying is important, especially if it’s a home. You need to ensure that the property has all of its systems in good working order and won’t be a costly headache down the road.

A home inspection report should give some indication of how well-maintained a house has been over its lifetime, but there are also things you can look out for yourself during an initial walkthrough that can help paint a clearer picture:

  • Check for leaks around windows, doors and plumbing fixtures like faucets or toilets. If there’s any sign of a leaky roof (like stains on walls), ask about getting it repaired before closing on the deal so that it doesn’t end up costing more than expected later on–or worse yet, cause mold growth inside your new home!

Skipping the inspection

A professional inspection is one of the most important things you can do before buying a home, and it’s something that many people overlook. A trained inspector will look at your potential purchase from top to bottom, checking everything from roofing materials to electrical wiring and plumbing systems. They’ll also be able to tell if there are any major problems with the foundation or structure of the house–information that could save you thousands in repairs down the road.

A good inspector will find issues with any home they inspect; however, not all inspectors are created equal! In addition to being trained professionals who know what they’re doing (and how), there are other factors you should consider when choosing who gets hired:

  • Reputation: Do others trust this person? Are people willing to recommend them? These questions can help indicate whether or not someone has built up a solid reputation over time among their peers.* Cost/Budget: How much does hiring this particular inspector cost? Are there cheaper options available elsewhere? It might make sense for some people but not others depending on financial circumstances.* Experience Level: How long has this individual worked in real estate inspections before becoming certified as one themselves!?

Starting too big, too soon

If you’re new to real estate investing, it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of buying a multi-million dollar property. But if you haven’t yet learned how to manage your own finances and invest wisely, then starting with such an expensive property could be disastrous.

Instead of focusing on the size of your investment–and thus how much money it will make–start small and build up from there. Focus on the numbers instead: How much are rents? What kind of return do they produce? Will they cover expenses like taxes and insurance? And yes, even maintenance costs (which we’ll talk about later). If those numbers add up favorably enough for both yourself as an owner as well as potential renters who might want to live there someday soon after purchasing their own homes elsewhere first before moving into yours later down the line when their finances allow them such luxuries again then great! You’ve got yourself a winner!

Making assumptions about property values

It’s easy to make assumptions about property values. For example, you might assume that a property will always be worth what you paid for it. However, this isn’t necessarily true and can be especially dangerous if you are buying a fixer-upper.

Property values change over time and may not increase at the same rate as other investments such as stocks or bonds do. As an investor in real estate, your goal should be to find properties whose value will appreciate over time–not just maintain its current price tag. This means taking into account factors like location and condition before making any investment decisions.

Not being prepared for maintenance costs

One of the biggest mistakes people make is not being prepared for maintenance costs. You may think you’re ready for them, but when your property needs a new roof or bigger repairs than expected, it can catch you off guard.

The best way to avoid this issue is by budgeting for maintenance costs in advance and setting aside funds every month so that if something does happen at one of your properties, it won’t be devastating financially.

With these tips, you can avoid these common mistakes, invest with confidence and enjoy the process.

  • Know the numbers. You need to know what you’re buying and how much it will cost to maintain.
  • Have a plan for maintenance. This can be as simple as having a list of the repairs that need to be made, or it could involve hiring someone who will take care of those things for you in exchange for part of the rent money each month (a property manager).
  • Start small so you don’t get overwhelmed by all-at-once expenses like new appliances or floors–and then work up from there if everything goes well!
  • Make sure that buying this property fits within your budgeting constraints before jumping into real estate investing headfirst!


We hope that, by now, you feel more confident about your ability to invest in real estate. We know from experience that it can be a daunting process, but we also know that with the right tools and information at hand, anyone can succeed at investing in real estate. And if there’s anything we’ve learned from our years working with investors like yourself–it’s that there is nothing more satisfying than seeing your investment grow over time as equity builds up or rents are received every month!


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