Terms and Conditions
- Property Rush will pay for a 1% credit on a conventional loan with our preferred lender. Using this 1% credit for a rate buydown, with the possibility of rates as low as *5.99%.
- Buyer must qualify for a 30-year conventional loan with 25% down payment.
- The loan must be for a property being sold by Property Rush LLC/SIG Holdings LLC.
- Additional terms and conditions may apply per the lender’s requirements, please contact our preferred lender listed below for additional information or to start the application process.
Property Rush Preferred Lender:
U Mortgage: Adam West
NMLS #1790355
(801) 726-3662 | [email protected]
*All terms and conditions are subject to buyer qualifications and current market interest rates. 5.99% is not a guaranteed rate after the 1% seller credit. Loan must be for a property being sold by Property Rush LLC/Sig Holdings LLC.